

Simple In office Testing for Biofilm in the Mouth Now Available.

More information on biofilm in Newsletter archive “Spring 2010”

In terms of oral hygiene the word "plaque" can now be interchanged with "biofilm".

New research in microbiology in the past few years has discovered that there are very specific and potentially harmful microorganisms, found in the biofilm of the mouth, that are the cause of periodontal disease.

This discovery has provided dentists and dental hygienists the tools for early detection and prevention of serious dental disease as well as potential disease in many other areas of the body. These bad bugs in the mouth do have the ability to migrate to other areas of the body and have been linked to many systemic diseases.

A good oral hygiene regime of daily brushing and flossing and regular cleanings by a professional is still the best way to prevent periodontal disease.

If you are one of those people who have not been responsive to the regular preventive oral hygiene protocols and have had long standing periodontal problems there is a way to turn the situation around.

We have variety of tests that can be performed (some in office, some sent to a lab) that can identify whether the biofilm in your mouth is harboring any of the harmful microorganisms involved in periodontal disease. Once they are identified, an appropriate treatment can be implemented.

We are very encouraged by the results we are getting from these tests.

Talk to your dental hygienist about it on your next visit.

Snoring and Sleep Apnea Treatment

Our dental office now offers consultation and treatment of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) disorders. If you think you might suffer from either of these or your bed partner reports that you snore and/or have periods of no breathing followed by choking or gasping you should consider contacting our office for a consultation. It could be a pivotal decision for your health and well being.

More information on Snoring & Sleep Apnea .