
Neural Therapy

Neural Therapy is an efficacious procedure for treating chronic pain and illness. This technique utilizes injecting local anesthetics into subcutaneous zones, scars, muscles, lymph tissue, periosteum, autonomic ganglia, joints, epidural space, intraoral points and intraosseous areas.  There are many different applications of Neural Therapy providing a vast array of favorable treatment options for a variety of conditions. The technique is safe and very effective in the hands of an experienced practitioner.

Even though this powerful system of healing is relatively unknown to most practitioners the science of Neural Therapy was acknowledged and utilized in Europe as far back as the early 1900’s.

All chronic illness , infection , inflammation, old scars (both physical and emotional) and toxicity alters the regulatory function of our autonomic nervous system by changing the nerve membrane potential of the afflicted area to a hypo or hyperpolarized state. This leads to changes in conductivity that can cause a whole series of abnormal signals and electrical chaos eventually causing disturbances in the nervous system as a whole as well as the hormonal system. The normal membrane potential of nerve fibers is 80 mV (millivolts) whereby some cells of scar tissue have been measured as high as 1.5 volts. This drastic change in the membrane potential is capable of causing illness or pain in distant organs or joints. The local anesthetic in the injection restores the membrane potential in nerve cells allowing the cell metabolism to begin functioning properly again during the ½ - 1 hour the anesthetic lasts and frequently relieving pain or other symptoms almost immediately. The restoration of the membrane potential and its positive effects can often outlast the short lived action of the local anesthetic by days, weeks or even years.

Our current medical model does not address this important relationship of disturbed membrane potential and its capacity for affecting health.

The effectiveness of the treatment is directly related to the experience and skills of the practitioner.  As Neural Therapy is a system of healing that can encompass procedures that are performed in numerous different parts of the body ranging from the oral cavity to lymph tissue to deep nerve ganglia to mention a few, a practitioner must be extremely knowledgeable in the field. It is also very important that past medical and dental histories be carefully and chronologically taken with special attention given to traumatic events (both physical and emotional), dental surgeries, scars from other surgeries and fractures.

Following a thorough medical history review, examination and treatment plan the practitioner would inform the patient of which procedures he would initiate first along with possible reactions to expect subsequent to treatment.

The sequencing and prioritizing of the injection sites is paramount. The first step in a Neural Therapy approach is to identify the “focus ” or “interference fiel d” or “primary lesion” – all referring to the structure that initiated the original irregular signal to the autonomic nervous system that set off the cycle of electrical chaos resulting in disregulation and pain/illness.

It is important to individualize the treatment sequence to the unique situation of the patient. In complex situations where multiple traumas and symptoms are present it would most likely require subsequent treatments to achieve complete success.

Although the specific applications of Neural Therapy are too numerous to note a few examples are mentioned below to demonstrate the vast scope of this treatment modality in addressing a multitude of health issues.

Treating scars is an integral and yet simple component of utilizing Neural Therapy that can produce drastic improvements to a patient’s pain or illness.

An appendectomy scar, for example, based on the “Fascial Continuity Theory” pulls on the fascia of the underlying abdominal muscles which in turn have continuity with back muscles and ligaments of the sacroiliac joint. It is easy to understand how an appendectomy scar therefore could induce dislocation and pain in the sacroiliac joint.

By injecting these scars with local anesthetic the electrical charge is converted into a normal range, allowing normal functioning at the cellular level and relaxing the scar so it ceases it’s pulling force on the fascia. It has been documented repeatedly that treating appendectomy scars with Neural Therapy can eliminate chronic issues such as long standing back pain .  We have also seen an example of a connection of an appendectomy sca r with unresolved shoulder pain.

Gallbladder scars are often responsible for chronic hip pain.

It is also worth noting that often when a scar is injected there is an emotional release usually relating to a past trauma.

The most frequently over looked interference fields are the teeth and the intestines.

It is well known in Neural Therapy that wisdom teeth are most often interference fields responsible for causing heart problems . Also instantaneous cessation of chest pain has been recorded when wisdom teeth have been extracted.

The four front teeth in the upper and lower jaws are often responsible for pelvic pain , urogenital problem s and chronic kidney disease.

For a more in depth description of all teeth – organ relationships check out the interactive tooth meridian chart.

Neural Therapy has been utilized very successfully in our clinic for many years to address many acute and chronic pain and illness situations literally ranging from head to toe. It has been our observation that adding homeopathic remedies to the injections of local anesthetics and combining Neural Therapy with one or more of the other modalities of treatment the clinic offers even further ensures resolvement of complicated health issues.

For a more detailed account of how and why neural therapy works please refer to the article “Regulation and Homeostasis”.